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The Big Bang Adventure Race is not just another race, it's a day to change you and your team forever. You will run, crawl, scramble, skid, laugh, shout, and overall have the best (if not most tiring) day of the year!


The race will take you, in teams of 2 or 4 mixed or single gender, across a brand new course in the Kapiti/Horowhenua region. You will cover around 30-50 km in a time of between (approximately) 5-8 hours, yes it's a long time but it's worth it!

The course will include mountain biking, hiking, a water activity, navigation, team building and some surprise (potentially grubby or wet, but normally quirky and funny) activities along the way. One map per team will be provided at the start line 15 mins prior to the start. Navigation is by good old map and compass.

You will complete the race (hopefully) by passing through checkpoints (CP) and transition areas (TA) where you will prepare for a change of discipline, re-fuel for the next stage and continue on to the finish line for a nice cold beer and a fantastic feed! What more could you ask for on a day out?


Check out the table below for our pricing from 11th March 2024 @8am until entries close on 30th October 2024 at 3 pm, unless sold out prior.












Your hard earned dosh gets you an awesome and exhausting days adventure, your very own Big Bang 2024 t-shirt, a meal ticket for the yummy finish line BBQ, and a great night's sleep.


Please note, merchandise orders close on 13th October at midnight. Any team entering after this date will not get a BBA t-shirt as part of their entry and can no longer order additional merchandise items.


College teams get one flat rate from start to finish, $320, until the 20 team places are full. After this, college teams will pay $520.  For more details on the college division please check out the College Team page.


(To help keep this fee soooo low for college teams, we took out the t-shirt but don't panic, you can buy one when you enter. To qualify for the college team division all 4 team members MUST attend college or school, proof maybe required)


Extra meal tickets for support crew, friends and family can be purchased with your entry for only $20.


Rotary have supported Big Bang since the very beginning and are back again to feed you all. 


PLEASE NOTE meal tickets are not available on race day.








Food and water plus all compulsory gear required (See the Kit List) must be carried with you at all times during the race. Your gear will be checked at registration so please bring it with you (you won't need to bring your bike).

You are taking the kit to support your own safety, as most if it is there for use in an emergency, make sure you are prepared!


Your team will require a support crew who will transport your equipment between transition areas. Your support crew must be a minimum of 1 person with a vehicle. Bring your family and friends to support you along the way but please leave all dogs at home. 

Past support crew notes are available for download. This should give you an indication on what is required.


Support crew notes 1 & 2


We offer two race registrations, you and your team must attend one of them! You will be asked to select either Johnsonville (Wellington) or Otaki registration when you enter online.



Wednesday 30th October Johnsonville Bowling Club. Directions are here

Registrations between 6-8 pm, the briefing will be held at 8 pm sharp.

Bring your whole team, at least 1 member of your support crew plus all your compulsory kit (except you bike) and we will see you there.

Free bowling is available while you wait so bring an extra pair of flat shoes and give it a go!

It's worth noting that the support crew notes to get to the start line will NOT be handed out at the registration, they will be emailed to the team captain around lunch time on Friday 5th November to ensure no one gets a head start!



Friday 1st November Otaki Memorial Hall, Main Street, Otaki. Directions are here

Registrations between 5-7 pm, the briefing will be held at 7 pm sharp.

Bring your whole team, at least 1 member of your support crew plus all your compulsory kit (except you bike) and we will see you there.

Tortoise or Hare?

We will have 4 colour coded self seeded start times. Please consider if you and your team are a tortoise or hare. You will be asked to select this when you enter.


Tortoise waves

RED - 7.30am start

YELLOW  - 8 am start 

For the more social adventure racers who may have an aversion to running and perhaps should practice their navigation skills a bit more.


Hare waves

GREEN - 8.30am start

BLUE - 9am start

For the teams that want to smash it out and run, run, run, all day (or definitely some of it)


(Please note, we may move some teams around if the majority of teams select one option, but never fear, we won't go home without you)


Race registration (as above) in Wellington or Otaki.




RED -06.45 - 07.10 registration. 07.15 maps. 0730 start.

YELLOW- 07.15 - 07.40 registration. 07.45 maps. 0800 start.

GREEN- 07.45 - 08.10 registration. 08.15 maps. 0830 start.

BLUE- 08.15 - 08.40 registration. 08.45 maps. 0900 start.


Maps and course notes will be given out to team captains ONLY for both teams and support crews. You will have approximately 15 minutes to view the map before the start of the race.


16.00 (APPROX OR WHEN THE FINAL TEAM ARRIVES) Results and prize giving.

Hang around to cheer the competitors on in the final stages of the race. The BBQ will be available from approx. 13.30 onward. This is a great time to wear your new fancy Big Bang T-shirt with pride.

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